
Jumat, 26 April 2013

menggapai keutamaan zikir

  1. April 15, 2013 at 4:42 PM
Trisylia Ida Pramesti

from the elegy I know that :
All we do is essentially the dzikir to Allah. Step we are dzikir. Greeting us is dzikir. Our journey is dzikir. Our lecture is dzikir. Our presentation is dzikir. SMS us is dzikir. In fact it turns out we sleep is dzikir also. So when dzikir with sincerity, will actually feel Nor distance with Allah SWT.
And especially when dzikir is reading the words of Allah and the nature of the nature of Asmaul Husna. dzikir Where was the disinfectant hearts and dispels syetan.

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