
Jumat, 26 April 2013

elegy taubat nasuhah

  1. April 11, 2013 at 9:44 PM
Trisylia Ida Pramesti

From this elegy I know that begawat selatan or Muhammad Nurikhlas give advice to the centaka, it`s means that we as the young generation when will success in life and hereafter are able to see opportunities and to achieve it with the awareness that opportunity does not come twice, which made ​​up his mind, do not hesitate and take bold decisions and actions and make great strides in the history of space and time, the liver is able to control his mind, and is able to control his mind, always begging pleasure of Allah. and another execute judgment from begawat selatan or Muhammad Nurikhlas.
from the elegy I know that there is different betwen 'taubat' and 'taubat nasuhah'.
if 'taubat' is the return to God after making a mistake. Repentance marupakan grace of God given to His servants so that they can return to Him. Islam does look like an angel man without faults and sins, as Islam does not allow people to despair of the mercy of God, whatever sin that man has done.
but Nasuhah Repentance is ask forgiveness of Allah with oral and regret in the hearts of a sin that has been done with the intention of turning away from it with will not repeat it.

so, it`s made ​​me realize that after doing of sin must 'taubat nasuhah' , in order to be close to Allah and his holy and acceptable repentance and unforgivable mistake, although I do realize it is difficult, but try to keep trying. may remain in the given strength and fortitude. Aminn

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