
Jumat, 26 April 2013

adab berdoa

  1. April 17, 2013 at 10:22 AM
Trisylia Ida Pramesti

From this Elegy I know that :
pray is an expression of hope that most everyone can do. And pray God commanded as a form of worship to Allah. Thus it is clear that people who do not want to pray to God then that person is arrogant people who do not want to worship Allah.pray it has virtues. Praying is one of the essential factors to achieve Tawheed, as a means to gain salvation and good luck.
Dutiful to parents could be one important factor accepted of prayer. Dutiful to parents is one of the good deeds of the Great for a Muslim.
rules of pray that:
Praying with a soft voice, constantly temerus done, hoping that prayers were answered.
Adab pray that others that should give istigfar without first, then the name Asmaul Husna, then send sholawat to Rasulullah, and said a prayer with detailed and polite language.

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