
Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Forum Tanya Jawab 57: Dunia Imaginer

1.       May 24, 2013 at 7:32 AM 

Trisylia Ida Pramesti

Imagination world. I think it's made from reflect something and it's use to reflect in our life. But I think the Imagination world likes above have the negative side and positive. When we meet in the web blog so from this we get a goodness, likes knowledge and motivation. But if we trust with the number 2. It's call syirik,does it? the example number 3, is the great of Imagination world. But in this time belief and trust likes number 3, is A Must and good, Because the base of belief in Islam is belief to the vanish. (Maknanya bahwa dasar dari keimanan itu adalah percaya pada yang gaib). Likes in the QS.AL-Baqarah 2:3. Belief in the vanish is likes belief Imagination world, butt it's a must and its good. So, the Imagination world can be good or negative. I am sorry with my language that so bad. And I am sorry about my opinion,and please be corrected.

Forum Tanya Jawab 61: Sisi Negatif Internasionalisasi

1.       May 24, 2013 at 7:12 AM

Trisylia Ida Pramesti

I was read the elegy about the death and RIP theme of international class. Yes, I just know that it's about globalization and hedonism, I think the first it's a simple problem and I give suggestion just a simple one. And I aware that the negative side of Internationalitation is incessant happen in our life, and until the lower generation of this region, And it's seen from this when I just think that its just a simple problem. So,I agree that now, we must increase the lesson about character and religion, because I think just it's that can protect we from Internationalitation that direct the negative. But not just study and lesson about it's but must comprehension the deep and use it be the base of life.
I hope we given strength of face this,Allahu Akbar.Aminn

Jargon Kebaikan dan Keburukan

1.       May 23, 2013 at 10:12 PM

Trisylia Ida Pramesti

Badness and goodness. There are two word that always side by side. It's normally happen, because it's also made by ALLAH. So as Human we just effort to do and fighting for doing the goodness, because exactly we born naturally like something that good.

Jargon Pertengkaran Tradisional dan Inovatif

1.       May 23, 2013 at 10:07 PM

Trisylia Ida Pramesti

Traditional and innovative. It's just likes and teaching method. In both there are have a goodness and badness, not absolute that traditional is bad and innovative is good. the example is there are some goodness from traditional that have an character building that good about decorous, etiquette. But in this the student not grow just accept from teacher. also innovative have an great goodness, likes have an variety concept to grow the competency of student. But there ara the character and socialiszation to other not grow. so there are some method to combine two other and became a great and make grow the student.

Jargon Para Obyek

1.       May 23, 2013 at 9:56 PM

Trisylia Ida Pramesti

As an Subject, Object also have many kind, likes determining,assessor and so on.And there an relationship between object and jargon. there are the value of object is equals to the value of jargon. So the moral value from it, is when we as and object just be an humble and wise person,and do the better. But the most better is just Allah ta'ala

Jargon Para Subyek

1.       May 23, 2013 at 9:49 PM 

Trisylia Ida Pramesti

From this elegy I know that there are many kind of subject, likes determining, assesor and so on.And there an relationship between subject and jargon. there are the value of subject is equals to the value of jargon. So the moral value from it, is when we have something that better so don't be arrogant because there are the better of the better. And the most better is just Allah ta'ala